On March 24, 1965, Albert Podell embarked on a 581-day, 42,000-mile, adventure-packed expedition by 4×4 across 30 countries that set the record for the longest auto journey ever made around the world. During the next 50 years Podell visited every one of the rest of its 196 countries.
Albert Podell has a B.A. in government from Cornell, was a graduate fellow in international relations at the University of Chicago, holds a J.D. from NYU School of Law, and has had successful careers as a magazine editor, director of photography, advertising-agency creative director, and trial attorney. He has written 300 magazine articles and wrote the adventure classic, Who Needs A Road.
1. Life is Fleeting Live it Full
Life is precious and short. We all live like life will last forever without realizing its fleeting nature. Embrace the now and live life like you will never live it again.
2. People are Generally the Same
Many first worlders ignorantly assume that the rest of the world is vastly different from us. We assume that they are all extremists and crazies and that anywhere beyond the first world is the no mans land.
What we fail to realize is that humans are largely the same across all cultures. We all want to live long and prosperous lives. We all want to raise our children to the best of our abilities, we all want as much health, wealth, love and happiness as we can fill into our days.
When we open our mind to the similarities that cross all cultural boundaries, we are able to interact much more deeply and intimately with people who are seemingly dissimilar.
3. You Can Live on Less Than You Think
In America, the idea of living with less is a foreign concept. We assume that to survive we need to be making hundreds of dollars a day and filling our lives full of possessions and cheap thrills.
But in the end, we are left with crap we didn’t need and shallow, base level experiences. If we open our minds to the idea of embracing minimalism and living with less, then we open our lives to a whole new level of fulfillment.
When life becomes about seizing every moment enjoying every second over accumulating more stuff, we are able to live lives of true abundance and joy.
4. Money and Time are not an Impediment to Travel
If you are creative enough, adaptable enough, and tough enough. You can travel the world on little to no money fairly easily. From staying with locals to camping to hostels, there are a number of ways that you can travel without breaking the bank.
One of the best ways to get started is by looking into work exchanges such as WWOOF or Help Ex where you work in exchange for room and board.
Michael Matthews is back for a second round in the Knowledge for Men arena! Michael is the founder of Muscle for Life, author of the bestselling book Bigger, Leaner, Stronger and the CEO of Legion Supplements.
Mike believes in a simple, straightforward, no b.s. approach to achieving the body of your dreams and favors long term consistency over short term intensity in all of his methods.
Mike is currently juggling several projects including a new book, continued work on the site, launching a Legion clothing line and creating a new smart phone app! You can learn more and connect with Mike at muscleforlife.com
1. Be Willing to Hustle
Too many people today want to achieve their dreams without being willing to work for them. If you want to achieve the life that few have, you must be willing to hustle on a level few will.
You will die and pass through history just like everyone else, and unless you hustle and create a legacy worth remembering, you will simply be another statistic. So get to work and be remembered.
2. Create Amazing Rituals
The top performers always have consistent result rituals in place to ensure their success. Experiment with your work, health and relationships to find rituals that work well for you.
Do you work best in the morning or at night? Do you write better after drinking some coffee or wine? Do your relationships flourish when you set aside one day a week for date night?
Look at what other high achievers have done and try to emulate them. If it works, then keep it, if not, discard and try something new.
3. Everything in Moderation
Just because you are working to be successful and build your best life does not mean you should deprive yourself. If you really enjoy watching House of Cards, drinking with your friends on the weekend, or smoking that Rocky Patel cigar every once in a while, then do it!
The key is moderation. Do not allow mindless entertainment and substance usage to become the norm, but rather an occasional treat as a reward for all of your hard work.
4. Don’t Just go for money
Following any career path solely because of the money is a one way road to misery. If you want to live a happy fulfilled life, then it is essential that you focus first on finding what you love. The money will follow.
5. Focus on the Basics and Keep Going
Men often try and get into the complexities and nuances of subjects before we master the basics. We can give you complicated speculation on the stock market, but can’t manage to save more than we spend. We can tell you exactly how testosterone fuels muscle growth, but can’t seem to workout more than once a month.
Focus on mastering the basics and the rest will fall into place.
6. Turn Your Car into a Mobile University
Massive self education (and applying that education) is the quickest way to be successful. Turn off the radio and plug in an audiobook next time you drive to work. Read for half an hour instead of watching tv.
If you take the time to educate yourself now, it will pay back dividends years down the line.
7. Have Realistic Expectations
Greatness takes time. Do not expect to transform yourself over night, but rather embrace the process and enjoy the ride. Success will happen if you work hard, educate yourself and focus on mastery, but realize it will happen over years, not weeks.
Gary Vaynerchuk is a leading internet marketing entrepreneur, angel investor, and founder of Wine Library TV and VaynerMedia. Gary has written severl New York Times bestselling books including Crush It! and Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. He has invested in major companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Uber.
Gary currently travels all across the world speaking and teaching young entrepreneurs how to crush it, as well as always keeping an eye out for new investments and opportunities.
1. Learn to Love the Hustle
So many people work only for the dream of one day retiring to play golf on the beach. They focus on having free time and being able to live a life of ease and comfort. But no one is ever remembered for being comfortable.
As men who want to crush it in all areas of life, men who want to take life by the horns and throw it to the ground, you must be willing to hustle. Show up earlier, stay later, work harder than anyone else, and you will inevitably be rewarded.
You need to learn to love the hustle. Love working hard, love creating a legacy and building something worth being remembered for. History remembers the builders, not the vacationers.
2. Only Operate from Strengths
We’ve been conditioned since grade school to work on our weaknesses. If we made an A in math but a B in English, we’re told to work harder on our English rather than doubling down in our areas of strength.
If you want to truly be successful, find the one or two things that you are naturally good at, and put all of your effort into building those. Yes, you should learn to basics of all aspects of your career or area of study, but rather than trying to be equally good in all areas, focus only where you have natural talent.
This can be applied to all areas of your life. If you are naturally a taller, leaner guy, than running and crossfit may be good options for you, if you are smaller and more dense, maybe try powerlifting.
Realize that the quickest way to success is to find your strengths and capitalize on them. Outsource your weaknesses, do what you’re good at, and you will be successful.
3. Focus on the Long-term
Too often, we get caught up in short term gratification over long term legacy. You must shift your focus from the now to one hundred years from now.
How do you want to be remembered? What will people say about you when you die? Shift your focus to these questions, and the answers to your current predicaments are often revealed.
4. Become Self Aware
If you want to see your success in all areas increase exponentially faster than you ever thought possible, learn to be self aware. What are you good at? What do you suck at? What habits do you have that aren’t serving you?
Really pause and reflect and be honest with yourself. If you can cut through the bullshit stories that you tell yourself and be real about who you are and what your strengths are, then you will be able to live a life of tremendous success and satisfaction.
5. Its All About the Journey
On the journey to success, we often forget that there really is no destination. The destination of all successful men and women is to continue growing, expanding and improving themselves and the world until they die.
Retirement is a fools game.
For 30 years, Drew Gerber has been inspiring those who want to change the world. As the CEO and co-owner of Wasabi Publicity Inc., lauded by the likes of PR Week and Good Morning America, Gerber sparks “aha” conversations that lead to personal and business success. His PR firm is known for landing clients on Dr. Phil, Oprah, Anderson Cooper, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Entrepreneur, and other top media outlets.
Wasabi Publicity works with companies that strive to make a difference in the world, providing the best industry leaders and change agents for the media. Drew Gerber is the author of Destination Ah-hah and CEO of the parent blog destinationaha.com
“Breath is the thread to remember everything you’ve forgotten”
1. Get present
If you want to live a fulfilling and successful life, then you need to stay in the present. It is often all to easy to get caught up in past regrets, future desires or present worries without living in the moment.
Take a few seconds before every interaction, presentation or important event and focus on your breath. Be mindful of your surroundings, appreciate the beauty around you. This will not only allow you to focus and achieve on a higher level in the present moment, but it will also make you a more happy and grounded man.
2. Travel
One of the best ways to expand yourself as a man is to travel. Experience new cultures, explore new ways of life, be open to new world views. Travel will enrich your life in more ways than you can count.
From lifelong relationships, to unforgettable experiences, to simple serenity while you stand in awe at a natural wonder, travel will change your life for the better and will help equip you to live life on a more holistic level.
3. Find Out What You Really Value
It is easy to use cop-out answers to describe our values. Beyond the “I want to change the world” and “I want to leave a legacy” there is a deeper and richer reason to everything that we want and do.
Take time and go deeper into your why. Ask yourself why 5 times, write down your answer, get clear on who you are and what you value and figure out your purpose in life. If you want to live a rich fulfilling life, full of abundance and happiness, you must go beyond the canned cliche values that you have heard and truly determine what it is that gets you out of bed in the morning.
4. Stop Listening to Gurus
Follow your gut and do what will make you happiest, don’t waste time paying attention to well paid speakers telling you how to live your life.
5. Don’t Take Things Seriously
Life is too damn short to go through it with a constant frown. Bad things happen, failures occur, and things don’t go your way, buy all in all none of it matters.
The end result for every human is death, it always has been, and (unless scifi becomes reality) it always will. Don’t waste one more moment of your life than necessary worrying about crap that will be gone tomorrow. Don’t stress over the petty things in life.
Seek to be of service, seek to make an impact, and seek to enjoy what little time you have on this planet. Realize that life is a game, don’t take anything seriously. Laugh off the small stuff and work through the big stuff. Always ask yourself “If I knew I would die tomorrow, would this bother me?”:
Former Air force Captain Bryan Reeves is the Co-founder/Director for The Center for Mindful Education, where he’s taught mindfulness to people with autism. He co-founded “Operation Mindful Warrior” to help bring mindfulness to military veterans (who are currently committing suicide at a shocking rate)
Bryan serves on the Executive Board of the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment (G.A.T.E.). Founded by John Raatz, author Eckhart Tolle and actor Jim Carrey, GATE is an organization of entertainment and media companies and professionals – actors, producers, filmmakers, musicians and more – working to influence the entertainment and media industry to produce and distribute transformational content that inspires global audiences for the benefit of all.
Bryan currently resides in L.A. working as a transformational life and relationships coach.
“Follow your highest excitement”~Bryan Reeves
1. It Is Essential That You Learn to Collaborate
We live in a world full of people determined to go it alone. We look at others with differing ideologies, religions, or political standing as lost causes that will never be reached instead of seeking to use our uniqueness together to create something incredible.
Learn to see and bring out the best in people regardless of your differences, learn to work with others and use your differences to create a future that could never have been built alone. Work together with others and create a future that you would be proud to raise a family in.
2. Surround Yourself With People Who Won’t Take Your Crap
As much as we love to surround ourselves with yes men (or women) it is imperative to our personal growth that we are around people who push us and call us out on our bullshit. Build a social circle full of people who aren’t afraid to challenge you and make you uncomfortable.
As Jim Rohn said “You are the average of the five people whom you associate with most.” If you want to live a world class life, then associate with people who will push you in every area.
3. Acknowledge That You Could be Wrong
As you work to build the life and relationships of your dreams, approach every issue with the thought that you might be wrong. Nietzsche, the famous philosopher once said that “Conviction is the enemy of truth.” Never allow your need to be right to blind you to the truth.
Realize that you may be wrong, accept it and look to collaborate with others who can help guide you to the truth.
4. Be a Leader in Your Relationships
As a man, embrace the masculine energy in your relationships and take charge (most of the time). Decide where to go out on a date, set the time, lay down the ground rules of the relationship. Women cannot be fully in their feminine unless you are in your masculine and for this to happen you must be present and taking charge, leading the encounter to new and exciting heights.
5. Success Doesn’t Make the Man
Money, cars, girls, none of it makes you a man. To be a true man, an authentic man, you must be totally fulfilled and in love with yourself. Be who you are, pursue a life of purpose that excites you every morning. Do things because you damn well want to!
Never forsake dreams or aspirations for a paycheck or relationship. Follow your highest excitement, do what makes you happy and impact others while doing it.
6. If You Aren’t Thriving Today It’s Pointless
Goals are amazing. Plans are great. But nothing is certain. Life is a precious gift that can be taken at any moment. Live life in the moment and be passionate about the life you are living today. Because the life you are stressing about creating may not be there tomorrow.